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Concord Goulds: 3 movies to go see this week in the theater

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

3 movies to go see this week in the theater

If you haven't already....... before they leave the theater and you're forced to wait for video.

1. Casino Royale- man, I can't believe how much criticism Daniel Craig received for replacing Pierce Brosnan as the new Bond. There is nothing lacking in this film. It is now my favorite Action movie with chase scenes and explosive storyline.

2. Apocalypto- Great movie to catch on a big screen. Surprising twists in storyline. Great characters. Very enjoyable if you can ignore subtitles and close your eyes during gruesome, gory, tribal scenes.

3. Rocky Balboa- Just read below.

Also, close to making the list in my opinion: We Are Marshall.

I still want to see Blood Diamond, Departed, Eragon, Pursuit of Happiness, Children of Men, Smokin' Aces, and The Number 23 (Jim Carrey)


Blogger Joshua Middlekauff said...

few comments. This bond was a lot different than all of the others. Absolutely. This bond was much more of a real person rather than some sort of untouchable superhero.
The changes were great, I actually liked this one a lot, not like the other ones who seem like a made for tv movie at times. The main thing I hated was the theme music, keep the original man.
Also, Adam, food for thought. The climax as well as the main theme and focus of the movie was not the whole casino deal, etc. It was his humanness wrapped up in his relationship.

I want to see all of the movies below your top three. I may not see the Rocky nor the Marshal one. But if you urge me to, I will. There are just to many Rockys and absolutely to many football movies out this year. They all have the same freaking theme.

11:11 PM  
Blogger Jesse Lee said...

adam...totally agree with casino royale. best action movie in a while. way more interesting w/ a humanish (and completely badass) daniel craig.

definitely we are marshall is a good one to see...
i'm biased though bc a bunch of my dad's neices went to marshall, and one of them is in the movie (an extra)...but a touching story. oh yah. and football. i like football.

1:00 AM  

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