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Concord Goulds: October 2006

Monday, October 30, 2006


Raimee and I recently danced it up at a "famous couples" themed costume party for our YOUNG MARRIEDS group at church. Needless to say our costume choice was easy. Also at the party were hot items such as: Sonny & Cher, Clark Kent & Lois Lane, Bonnie & Clyde, and Donald & Melonia Trump(w/baby Baron). We had a swing dance lesson at the party taught by our friends, Rod and Christine, who are dancers extraordinaire. Props to Sara and Brian who took care of all of the precious party-planning details. Fun times were had by all!!!

Tuesday, October 17, 2006


So you know that thing that you can't live without and quite frankly, do not understand how others can live without? I'm speaking more of benign addiction, a mentally stimulating healthy obssession, if you will. For me, it's movies. I like to watch them alone. I like to watch them with my wife and get her take on the characters, storyline, and moral. I like to watch them with friends and talk throughout the movie to comment on the obviousness (Napolean Dynamite, great example). I like that I have family favorites which my parents and brothers gladly endorse as classic films, regardless of what anyone else thinks (Rocky, Indiana Jones). There are so many genres and so many types of movies that the list is pretty much endless. That's why I love netflix. I watch about 5 to 8 movies a month. Especially if you can see yourself enjoying TV series without commercials and without having to wait a week for the cliffhangerepisode to continue, you must have netflix. For shows like Sopranos, Lost, and 24 there is no other way. Even if you have tivo and watch synicated shows regularly like Seinfeld and Macguyver; it's all about renting dvds to allow you to watch at your own pace. So back to the topic; it's great regardless of whether you enjoy tv programs or movies. How much do you like to get things in the mail that you are looking forward to? I like it a whole lot, which is why I like netflix. I get a movie or 2 a week and it's fan-flippin'-tastic. I have a list of about 400+ movies and tv series that I figured out to have a running list of movies coming to me once I send one back. By the way, I compiled this list easy through the website and now can just reorganize every once in a while to choose great films with as much ease as it would take a 2nd grader. I could really take a tangent about the website and how amazingly well it is put together, you can see all of friends' top choices, but I won't. So if you have not signed up for netflix, I guarantee you that you have probably spent more money on movie store late fees; you can do it for less than 10 bucks a month, depending on how many movies you want out at a time. I return a movie in the mail and get a new one 2 days later, almost always without any problem. So now you see my obssession. When Raimee and I first started dating I made her watch all of the Rocky movies, all of the Star Wars movies, with my narration, of course. Imagine what married life is like for her now.

Friday, October 13, 2006

Blogging Is Pretty O.K.

So now the Concord Goulds are giving a shout out from the blog world. It's another easy way to keep in touch with you, who we love so much. Expect to hear about the latest good times, adventures with married life, and of course, movie reviews. Otherwise, in general, expect to get more of Adam's opinion on things than you probably want and Raimee's sweet perspective to balance it out. A glimpse of life for us. Looking forward to being in contact with you all!